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Partnership with parents

At St Patrick's we greatly value our parent community and the contributions which they make towards their children's learning.  Our parents support the school well: from attending Mass and supporting on visits, working alongside their children in class, engaging with family learning and taking part in our school community events. 

We have excellent attendance at our "Pupil Academic Review" days, when parents come in to meet their child's class teacher, three times in the school year, find out how their child is doing academically and look at ways in which they can support their child's learning at home. We encourage parents to come in and meet their child's teacher or the Head of School and it's a regular feature of our weekly diary that parents are meeting with their child's teacher to discuss their child's learning, have a good look at their child's books or bring up a small worry before it becomes a bigger one. 

Each term, parents are invited to attend parent information sessions focusing on different topics such as healthy living, positive use of the internet or strategies to support the learning of phonics, writing and maths at home. In order for the parent community to experience and understand the strategies used in their children's classrooms, we invite our parents in to work alongside their children in class. This helps our parents to support their children at home, when completing homework, mirroring the strategies used in the classroom. 

Throughout the year, our Friends of St Patrick's group hosts a range of popular community events including a Movie Night, a Healthy Heart Day, Family Fancy Dress Disco and a Summer BBQ. These are popular events, which would not run as smoothly as they do without the support from parent volunteers and they are always very well attended. These events are an opportunity for the whole school community to come together and celebrate its successes.